Meranti or beech-wood, 13 mm thick.
See the stencil for the exact location of the leadhols. The depth of the holes depends on the used material and the preferred sinking rate. Because the Dreugstoppel is not that wide it won't need a lot of lead. So don't drill to deep. Make sure that the leadholes are positioned exactly in the middle of the Dreugstoppel. Otherwise it will lean over to one side and the wobbling action will be lost.
Just round off all edges with a woodrasp or woodfile.
Make sure that the nose-eye is exactly in the center.
Gamakatsu trebles 1.
If you use trebles of another brand go up one size.
Type of jerkbait
A dreugstoppel is a dull lure at first sight. It doesn't look like much, but it has his good sides and it's full of surprises. This goes for this lure of the same name to. When you fish it with short pulls from the wrist, the Dreugstoppel will come to you in a straight line. But when you give it another jerk while it still glides, the Dreugstoppel will stop and begins to wiggle around his length axis. Not bad at all.
This is not a jerkbait that is easy to fish and therefore less suitable for beginners. But it's a great jerkbait to get the fish out of the underwater vegetation. Just a matter of gliding it along again and give it that extra jerk. Hold your rod thightly
The shown version is 17 cm long and 61 gr heavy. Because it has practically no resistance in the water, you can fish it on a relatively light fishing rod.
The design is based on the Darter.