
Stencil for perchbars

How do you furnish an easy stencil for perchbars that look like they have been sprayed by an airbrush? Quite simple actually! Take a pair of scissors and sut a piece of cardboard ina rectangular shape in this size: 15x25cm. Draw a rectangle that has a length that is somewhat longer than the lure's length and somewhat higher too. About 3cm is a good average. Now draw some vertical bars of 1cm wide and leave 2cm distance between each bar. Cut out the bars of 1cm wide and remove these. Now you already have a stencil for spraying sharp-edged perchbars. You can use it by simply putting it on the lure's surface and spraying the paint on it.

Now, I thought about spraying some perchbars that were a bit fuzzy and looked like airbrush perchbars. I thought of the following. Glue tothpicks on the bottom of the 2cm wide bars that are left and some around the stencil for adding stifness to the cardboard. If you place the stencil on the lure's surface, the stencil itself will be about 2mm above the lure and when spraying with quick strokes from te back to the belly, you'll get that fuzzy look. Done!
