
"Wobbler" is one of the many magnificent books that have been written by Hans Nordin, one of Sweden's most famous fishermen. Besides being a fishing guide, angling journalist, writer and producer of fishing video's Hans is also a very talented lurebuilder. He has written this magnificent book about it. A book, in which he explains from A to Z just about everything there is to know about building crankbaits. Kinds of wood, necessary materials, tackle components, diving vanes, lure action, solutions for problems, paints, lacquers, modifications and improvements. A real encyclopedia of crankbait building!

And next to his own methods, he explains other options as well. After an expanded introduction on "how and what", Hans explains dozens of crankbaits to the finest details. You can find a picture and all the necessary drawings of these lures in his book. Even de templates for the lure-bodies are included with the book. Most of the crankbait models have been designed by Hans himself and they all work really well. You can figure that out from the pictures he has included in his book.

Even though the original version has been published in Swedish in 1995, there is currently a German edition available in the stores (translated by Christoph Feige). This German edition is for sale at Amazon.

A must for every lurebuilder, beginners and pro's alike!