Necessary Items:
- Wood: Meranti, 20 mm thick
- Screw eyes: SC 18
- Splitrings: size 2, 30lbs
- Trebles: Gamakatsu Treble 13, maat 4
- Eyes
Meranti, 20 mm.
None, screw eyes, splitrings and trebles are heavy enough.
Just a small piece of it's back sticks out of the water.
Make sure that the leadholes are exactly centered on the jerkbait. Don't forget to glue them.
I will try to explain it with help of the three shapes on the right:
At the top: sliced into halve: the top is somewhat rounder then the bottom, that's why the belly is a bit flatter.
Middle: Top view, it runs a bit smaller to the back. At the lip it is 20 mm wide, at the end only 15 mm wide.
Bottom: lip at the front. It is important that you don't file the top too much. It has to remain sharp. The sides and the lip rounded of just a little. The two corners on the bottom are filed of so that the bottom is smaller than the top. (U-shaped)
Paint: Motip Multicolor
Laquer: 2 layers Silvatane TriMetal and 3 layers Sikkens PU Clearcoat
(respect the drying periods and dry it in a room above 15 degrees celcius)
Type of jerkbait
Glider, can be fished with a heavy spinning rod aswell. Weight is 20 gram, length is 10 cm. Just pull lightly when reeling in and it will glide from left to right, and even dive a little. Don't forget to pause. The glider will come to the surface. Here is when you get the most bites. Maximum depth is about 50 cm.
The stencil below hassen't got the right size.
The lenght is 10 cm.