Necessary Items:
- Wood: Meranti, 20 mm thick
- Screw eyes: SC 28
- Splitrings: size 4, 40lbs
- Trebles: Gamakatsu Treble 13, maat 1
- Eyes
Meranti, 20 mm.
See the stencil, drillsize Ø 0,8.
Deep: front 2 cm, back 1 cm, fill up with lead until 3 mm under the edge of the hole.
Drillholes: 2 cm from the nose and 2 cm from the tail.
No corners, all completely round. As shown in the drawing.
Paint: Motip Multicolor.
Laquer: 2 layers Silvatane TriMetal and 3 layers Sikkens PU Clearcoat.
(respect the drying periods and dry it in a room above 15 degrees celcius).
Type of jerkbait
Floating jerkbait. You can built it suspending by putting on 2 bigger splitring pur eye, instead of one. You can put a hook with a twister instead of a treble at the back as well. Fish it with short jerks, and pause in between. These are the times that the pikes attack. In Vastervik I caught 2 pikes over 90 cm this way.
The stencil below hassen't got the right size.