18 mm Meranti wood
- Front: 10 mm diameter and 10-12 mm deep
- Back: 10 mm diameter and 8-10 mm deep
- Divani Jointed Glider: +/- 60g
Make sure that the leadholes are exactly centered on the Glider. Otherwise the lure hangs to one side.
Saw out the primary shape an just round off all edges with a woodrasp or woodfile.
DRill the leadholes and fill these with lead. Draw the two lines shown on the primary shape, using a felt pen.
Saw the Glider in two parts along the dotted line, so that you get a straight saw-cut.
The two lines you drew earlier and just sawed in two, are the markings for the joints.
The joints are made with screw-eyes that are 13 mm long. The lines ensure that the two
screw-eyes always oppose eachother. And this creates a freely moving joint for both parts of this lure.
Screw 2 screw-eyes, 19 mm long at the height of the markings on the front part of the Glider and position them vertically. Position them exactly in the middle. Position the eyes vertically on this front part of the Glider.
Use a pair of pliers to bend the eyes of two other 19 mm screw-eyes open.
Bend them just enough that you are able to click them into the screw-eyes of the front part of the Glider.
Screw these in the back part of the Glider, again on the markings. Schroef deze nu in het achterste deel van de Glider, ook weer op de markeringen. Position them exactly in the middle. Position the eyes vertically on this back part of the Glider. Click the two parts in eachother, but do NOT close the screw-eyes yet. First see wether the joint works freely. If so, you can close all eyes. Now screw in the three screw-eyes for the nose and belly hookhangers. These screw-eyes are 26 mm long. Weight the Glider so that it sinks slowly. No need to be completely accurate at this time.
Now it is time to saw a slot for the tail. Fise the lure in a vice and use an electric saw to saw a vertical slot in the center of the Glider. Saw the slot approximately 2 mm wide and 15 mm deep. Cut the tail fin from a piece of rubber roofing material that is 1 mm thick. Position the tail in the slot and fise it in place for the time being. Now it is time to properly weight the lure. Weight it to get the sinking rate you prefer.
Remove all the hardware and the tail fin. Paint and laquer the lure. Then glue in all screw-eyes and the tail fin with two component epoxy glue.
Gamakatsu trebles size 1/0
If u use trebles of another brand go up one size.
Type jerkbait
The Divani Jointed Glider is a slow sinking glider with a lifely action.