16mm thick beechwood.
Version 1 (original version) : 10mm diameter and 15mm deep.
This original version by the Bagley Company had a through-wire system with the lead encircling the belly hookhanger.
It's better to use three screw-eyes and to position the belly screw-eye either in front or behind the leadhole.
Version 2 (by Dirk Van Nieuwenhove): 10mm diameter and 10mm to 15mm deep, drilled at an angle of 40°.
Narrow the front part to a point, as shown on the stencil, and do this gradually. Leave part 2 at a thickness of 16mm. Slightly narrow the tail from a thickness of 16mm to a thickness of 12 mm at the tail in part 2. Round off all edges.
2 eagle claw size 2/0
50 gr
A floating hybride style jerkbait.
How does this lure sit in the water when at rest