
Determening the length of the single strand leader is of the utmost importance. Always take 2,5 times the total length of the spinner. For instance, if the spinner is 7 cm, the single strand leader should be 21 cm.

To make the single strand leader you take the wire (of the correct length) in a pair of roundnosed pliers, at aproximately 1cm to 1,5 cm from the end. Take the wire in your left hand, so that the long end goes trough your hand. Turn the pliers away from you and while you hold the wire firmly, turn the wire untill the pliers bounce. Now use your left thumb as a counterweight and push a little harder in order to get a nice indentation in the semi-circular shape. Then you turn the wire 180° round the axis and repeat this.

This wil get you (after practising a few times) a nice round eye.

When you have bent a nice eye, slide a ball bearing swivel in the eye. After that put the eye with the swivel in a vice and let the small piece of wire point up. With the help of a pair of combination-pliers you can wrap the small piece of wire around the long one. Make sure that the swivel stays in the eye.

Sometimes it can be necessary to finish the wrapping with the combination-pliers. To do so, put the pliers on the wrapping and turn, while you squeeze firmly, in the direction of the wrapping. If you wish, you can file of any points that stick out. The wrapping should at least have two wrappings next to eachother.

In order to finish the eye completely, slide a piece of heat shrinking tube over the wrapping. Put the lighter under it for just a moment and the tube will shrink nicely around the wrapping. Pay attention that the shrinking ability of the tube is sufficient, regarding the thickness of the wire you used. You have just finished the eye on the single strand leader.

Then it's time to bend the snap-lock again. First you start to make another eye like discribed before. The position of the eye opposed to the other eye is of no importance. The swivel wil lift up any negative effect.

Now you have a nice long piece of wire sticking out. Take a pair of combination-pliers and put the end in the pliers over a length of 3 to 4 mm and turn it over in a single bend. The existing hook is again taken with a combination-pliers and then turned towards the axis of the single strand leader. The snap-lock is finished.

Don't make the snap-lock too large. This will only diminish the spring effect. As an indication the snap-lock should be 1.5 to 2 cm from the end. Always use stainless steel wire of at least 0.6 mm thick.

Source: Snoek van klein tot groot en Poask Hengelsport